High-5 Club

The High-5 Club is like any other youth club; the one difference is that it takes into account the specific needs of young people with High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome.
Young people with ASD see the world in a different way from others; they are sometimes misunderstood and can display a range of behaviours which may appear odd to others. Although they want to be involved in the same types of activities as their peers, these differences often prevent them from doing so.
The age group for the High-5 Club is from S1 onwards but young people in P7 may also be invited to join the club to help support their transition to secondary school.
The High-5 Club meets during school term time on Wednesday evenings in Monifieth Parish Church from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and is run completely by volunteers.
The club also helps develop peer interaction and social skills through visits to local restaurants, theatres and cinemas.
For more information, download our leaflet or email Lesley McFarlane at high5club@mpcos.org.uk 


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